Maddog's Box
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Easter Harvest starts EARLY!!!

Just look at this winner free Chocolate Easter Egg from our company for Easter AND we are been told to push-off early.... RESULT!!!!
Hey Deanne, your free coffee mug is still cool but sure can't eat a coffee mug :)
Ohhh yummy!!!
Hey Deanne, your free coffee mug is still cool but sure can't eat a coffee mug :)
Ohhh yummy!!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Useless Air France and THE BLUE PILL
What a mission, Air France have now officially bollaxed up both flights! Firstly they were so late in getting to SA that I missed both my flight to Durban and the next one. Well at least my luggage got there…
So there I was, last off the plane at Heathrow, quickly ducking to the toilet as the airhostess said I couldn’t go because we were about to land… OH WAIT I got to back up a bit more…
[Okay this first bit is SA's fault] – at the terminal at JHB there was serious amount of fannying about with getting from the terminal to the station… Some fool had parked the truck that takes the wheelchair people to the plane - in a very annoying place… so the transit busses were all trying to get in to their gates to pick up people (mayhem!!). Then they decide to send a super long connected one (the one with the bendy bit in the middle) – perfect for space BUT not so great trying to reverse out, passed the annoying truck, and into oncoming traffic around a circle (probably the main route as there is so much ‘building’ going on). So finally I get on the plane but it is still a further 20 minutes of so before the final bus gets there with the others – OH YES and the fool at the counter has put me and another guy sharing a seat… I would have taken it had it not been next to his girlfriend hummm…. So after a while I finally got an open seat… However the slight female form of my former co-seater had been replaced with a rather large MAN who took up both arm wrests and MORE…
No personal screens but it was okay as I played PSP and watched the movie on the shared screen in the isle…. ‘Cheaper by the Dozen 2’
So when I finally had stopped playing and decided to sleep it was getting on 1:30am (in retrospect I should have done the next move a little sooner…) My Aunt had given me some of mom’s sleeping pills (blue pills) – quick acting and only 4hrs or so of ‘knock out’ (perfect for a flight)… I read package which said one should only start with 1/2 of the tablet… Frieda suggested 1/4, so I took that…. After 20 minutes it was getting near 2 and I was like ‘HELLO I am still awake here!!!’ so I took the other 1/4…. Well…. That is the last thing I remember… I woke up at 5 with the airhostess offering breakfast – I think I might have drooled…. So doing the math…. 5am minus 2am = 3hrs…. hummm… Breakfast in the belly… OUT… more drooling! Woke again when we landed at Paris…. Now even in my daze I though something was fishy… time wasn't how I remembered it should be… Well… It wasn’t… The plane from Paris to London was supposed to leave at 6:45am…. Now was going at 7:30am…. But it was already just before 7:00am when we got off! YIKES!!!! So a gentle stroll upstairs to find they are already boarding the plane… I did my thing and got on…
So what does one do with drugz the system…. BANG…. OUT AGAIN…I woke again later when the pilot and air-nazi’s said to all return to our seats and buckle up for landing… (But I gotta go to the toilet… ‘Too BAD’ said the Nazi). Now I recon the brits in the controlling tower were having a laugh as we must have circled heathrow for 30 minutes or more before landing AND then they must have landed us at Gatwick because it took another 20 minutes for the plane to get to the terminal… Then DAVID GOTTO GO…. So I did as I got into the terminal…. So when I am done I find the immigration almost empty (they must have jacked up the people there) and go to collect my luggage… I find the correct carosel… no more bags are coming out…. And my bag is nowhere to be seen… Check at the desk… Oh yes…. It’s still in Paris – PERFECT!
So I am now 2hrs later than I planned, minus my luggage, with the only clothes those on my back. The only other luggage I have is a bag I was bringing over for Deanne. Lots of very pretty heals and dance dresses that I didn’t think would be appropriate for work – probibly would be a bit too formal or show to much leg :)
Finally got home, showered, got to work at 12 o-clock…
Oh yes - work is a mess - 3 jobs all due TOMORROW.... BUT I have to go home - hopefully they are going to deliver my bag tonight - Otherwise there is SHIT!!!!