Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The pits of HELL!!!!

I NEVER normally get sick and even when I do it never lasts long or keeps me from work. Well not with the last bought of FLU that hit London!!!

On Monday afternoon, during walking Deanne around London, I started feeling a little - funny. A bit chilled and shaky... It got Worse...

On Tuesday, I woke up for work, tried to get out of bed and almost fell over... so after much delerious working out in my head, of whether I should call in sick - So I did (EVEN though it pained me as it ruined my perfect record :() So I stayed in bed and got a few calls from Kent and Steve at work, warning me that people there were doubting my sickness (having taken a sick day after a holiday... especially with Deanne just having arrived!!!). So even though I didn't feel great I decided to go to work on wednesday.... and COUGH on anyone that chooned me!!! Wednesday was a soggy/sniffly/headcold day... So Thursday came and I thought "Lets go to work" - even though I didn't feel that great. Well.... by the time I reached work I KNEW that coming in was a mistake!!! However, I pulled through and did some work (after overdosing on every bit of medicine I had). After lunch I decided to throw in the towel and I returned home - TO BED. Friday, I felt a bit better but decided not to chance it and remained in bed... So after this I still have a sniffly cold and a nasty chesty cough...

The worse thing about the sickness was not been able to sleep properly. Although the house isn't exactly warm I kept sweating madly during the night... then getting cold... then sweating madly.... arrgggg and this was for almost the whole of last week...

But I am now ffeeling better and as I have finally managed to register at a doctor I will be draggin myself there for a thorough checkup!

PS: Deanne is making me say that the germs did NOT come from South Africa!!!


At 2/24/2006 3:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sickness is for the weak


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